Declutter Your Mind

Step 1

Nela Canovic
The Shortform


Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

📘 Get your tools ready: notebook, pen, and a few color markers for highlighting.

Set the timer for 15 minutes.

📆 Write today’s date at the top of the page.

✏️ Start your thought list. Write each thought that comes to mind in a separate line. Some may be short (“I’ll quit” or “It’s impossible”), others long (“Why is it so hard to keep up this new habit if I know it’s good for me?”).

When the timer goes off, stop and assess how much you’ve done. Did you have enough time to write everything? If there’s more to think about, set the timer for another 10–15 minutes.

☕️ Take a 30-minute break. Stand up and do something unrelated to this exercise. Go for a walk, read, or make lunch.

Get the long version here.



Nela Canovic
The Shortform

Growth mindset hacker, writer, Silicon Valley entrepreneur.