Develop Super-Strong Headline Writing Skills With “Title Whizz” Derek Hughes

Maybe you’re stuck right now. Here’s help.

Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform


Strong Superhero freepik

My writing journey started where most journeys begin…

  • Disappointment…
  • Frustration…
  • Confusion…
  • Struggle…
  • Failure…
  • Repeat…

Medium writer Derek Hughes, also spent many painful months in this cycle…

Derek struggled to get readers. He constantly felt not good enough. And nearly gave up.

Maybe you’re stuck right now too.

If you are, I want you to know there’s hope at the end of the tunnel…

Your first step is to look at your headlines thoroughly!

Within a microsecond, potential readers scan your headline and decide intuitively whether they will click or scroll right past it.

If you develop strong headline writing skills, you can join the top 5% of writers who get seen and read.

Derek transformed his writing. He gained more than 6,000 followers on Medium and went from $0 to $800/month.



Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: