Did You Know the Original Name for Google was Backrub?

Jameson Steward
The Shortform
Published in
Nov 9, 2021


A sign that says “Google” is hanging in front of yellow pipes and boards.
Photo by Rajeshwar Bachu on Unsplash

Don’t mind me — I’m just backrubbing.

Tom Fenske’s writing challenge in the Shortform for Day 3 was to write about a fun fact. I came across one that I had never heard before — Google was initially called “Backrub.”

I can’t even wrap my mind around what the internet would be like today if Google were “Backrub.”

Instead of saying, “Just Google it,” we would say, “Just Backrub it.”

I think Google made the right call to change their name, which goes to show the importance of business names.

So the next time you are considering starting a business, think carefully about the name. Otherwise, you might have people “backrubbing” all over the place.

