Digital Detox: 5 Ways To Start Today

Aastha Gupta
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readMay 19, 2024


Photo by Leone Venter on Unsplash

Are you also struggling to find some off-screen time for yourself?

Try these 5 things:

  1. Turn off notifications for all unnecessary apps (food delivery, shopping etc.) on your phone. Even WhatsApp, if needed. I have done it, it works wonders!
  2. Set a Bedtime mode. It would act as a reminder for you to put the phone down.
  3. Instead of reaching out for your phone as the first thing in the morning, try reading a newspaper or a chapter from a book you are currently reading.
  4. Take out an hour every morning/evening for a workout session like gym or yoga and make sure you do not indulge in any screen time during that one hour.
  5. Uninstall apps like Netflix from your phone so that you watch movies/shows only on your TV.

Let me know if it worked for you in the comment section!



Aastha Gupta
The Shortform

Published Writer | German Linguist | Travel | Partition History | Hindi cinema | Sustainable Living | Poetry