Discipline Is Painful. The More You Practice It, The Less Painful It Is.

Get comfortable with discomfort

Destiny S. Harris
The Shortform


Photo Credit: Pexels, cottonbro

Discipline = pain, which is why most people default to staying average. Execute discipline repeatedly, and the pain eventually dissipates.

Strengthening your relationship with discomfort is one of the best ways to improve self-discipline (Peter Collins).

The easiest thing to do is create a goal. The hard part is following through on that goal.

Do you know why it’s so difficult to follow a diet the first several days or weeks? Because it’s painful. Our cravings scream at us to give in, so we can experience a dopamine release.

Human nature wants to take the easy route, and if you’re not careful, you’ll get used to taking the easy route.

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