Discover Clarity Enhance Your Focus and Concentration

Young mind, wise transformation

Arpana Gupta
The Shortform
Jul 28, 2024


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

An old man resided in a peaceful local area, where he was able to focus on anything with definite keenness. One day a young villager went to him looking for advice. He took him to a still pond and threw a little stone into the water.

The surface was being upset by ripples. “This,” told the old man, “Is your distracted mind. Notice how the ripples mutilate reflection?”

He threw another pebble, and later, he set a peaceful stone directly in the middle. The water started to settle at once, it revealed a clear reflection of the sky. Your mind is like this pond. To focus, let commotions pass, and focus on yourself.

The villager envisioned the relaxing stone daily, honing his focus and accomplishing quiet and mental clearness.



Arpana Gupta
The Shortform

An Investor | Traveler| A Coffee obsessed | Writer : Curator of Emotions, Crafting Stories that Touch the Heart