Disgusted, Detached, Disowned

How I describe my relationship with my body today

Kelley Murphy
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readNov 25, 2022


Three faced woman with clown eye makeup.
Photo by Elīna Arāja:Pexels

My spirit is fractured, two halves of a whole separated by fear and hate. My body, long forgotten, cries out for tenderness, for appreciation, for love.

I’m trying, I am. I’m working on dismantling the wall between my body and my soul. Between mind and matter. Striving for the unity of Spirit.

I chip away at the barrier, brick by brick, one story at a time. These stories of mine seem so small. Silly words underplay the depth of my loss of self. I’m embarrassed to still be struggling after more than thirty years. The words calcify in my mouth, and I fumble and speak around them.

Hoping with each story to get closer to the center.

