Disingenuous EV Charging

Dr Stuart Woolley
The Shortform
Published in
Mar 25, 2022


Energy suppliers, do the right thing for everyone — not just your shareholders.

Photo by Mike from Pexels

I do applaud that fact that many of the big energy suppliers are beginning to build large numbers of public EV charging stations.

What I don’t applaud, however, is the eye wateringly large markup on the price per kWh of electricity they’re charging for their use in what is essentially a captive market.

Of course they must make a profit — but they’ve been making excessive ones for years. Does it really have to be so large?

Don’t just trumpet your environmentally conscious press releases, start acting in the interests of everyone by charging a fair price. We need to encourage the uptake of electric vehicles, not milk their drivers.

Perhaps it’ll also help you make amends for all the oil and gas you’ve pumped over the years too.



Dr Stuart Woolley
The Shortform

Worries about the future. Way too involved with software. Likes coffee, maths, and . Would prefer to be in academia. SpaceX, X, and Overwatch fan.