Do You Feel Underwater All The Time?

You can’t breathe but you’re still alive

Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform


Young woman posing submerged underwater in a flowy dress
Water photo created by freepik —

A few hours ago, I had a Zoom call with Alicia Domínguez.

Alicia lives with her family in the suburbs of Barcelona.

She is juggling a lot.

Her family, pets and animals, her career, and her online business.

Oof. That’s tough.🧠


I think she’s doing a magnificent job but of course, this lifestyle gets overwhelming from time to time.

I’m sure most parents can relate.

She also told me that on Medium she feels behind.

There are people who pump out tons of content and publish every day.

As a working mom and wife, writing online is tough. 🧠

Life gets its hand on you every day.

👉 If you want to feel at least a little ahead in your business, you need a solid foundation and organize your writing.

👉To release the stress of overwhelm, a Content Planner is crucial.



Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: