Do You Have These 2 Things to Be a Successful Data Analyst?

These are skills you need to boost your data career.

Leo Rule
The Shortform
1 min readOct 1, 2023


Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

Becoming a successful data analyst is not something that everyone can do but develop these two traits and you will be on your way to becoming a great analyst.

1.) Hunger to learn new information.

A data analyst never stops learning because the data landscape is always changing. You will never be able to learn everything, but you can adapt and be like a sponge that is frequently soaking up new information

2.) Ask the RIGHT questions.

You can have incredible technical skills, but if you aren’t figuring out the real analysis that needs to be done the skills will go to waste. Great data analysts know how to ask stakeholders questions that will lead to the analysis that actually needs to get done.

Together, these abilities will help you provide incredible value to your organization and boost your career to new heights.



Leo Rule
The Shortform

|Impact Specialist | |Writer| |Data Nerd| I write about how to maximize impact in your career, relationships, and community! Join me on the journey!