Do you remember your parents or grandparents with gnarled bent fingers?

Will it happen to you?

Justine Swann
The Shortform
Apr 11, 2022


Extended arm showing up-turned hand with bent fingers across a green blanket surrounded by pink petals.
Photo by Alan Cabello:

Dupytren’s Disease is a crippling and debilitating disease of the hands.

8% of the world’s population has it, which means it’s on par with Diabetes. Yet, it is not recognised as a disability in the UK! Why?

In the UK, Dupytren’s Disease is categorised as an industrial injury which suggests it’s avoidable. It is not!

How many jobs DO NOT require you to use your hands? Finding employment that doesn’t require using your hands is near impossible.

Dupytren’s Disease is a slow but progressive disease, and there is no cure.

Research tells us that the younger you are when it starts, the quicker it will progress.



Justine Swann
The Shortform

Hi, I'm Justine Swann: A Passionate Reader, Writer, Content Producer, Midwife, and Former TV Journalist! 🌟 Welcome to my little corner of creativity!