Don’t Be the Best — Be the Only

A category of one


Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash

Let me introduce another conflict.

Being the best vs being the only.

Being the best is what everybody has been brought up to aspire toward. Even Tina Turner wrote a song about it.

But you can only be the best through comparison. Comparing yourself with others has its dark sides.

Comparison needs a category. The kind of categories we have are so small, not every person can be the best.

But let’s assume there are a million categories, where does that leave the other 8 billion people on the planet?

On the flip side, being the only one is easily attainable for everyone. Make your category by combining categories to make your unique one. You would have made your category.

Now fold your sleeves and focus on it.

Don’t be the best, be the only.



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