Don’t Call It A Dream. Call It A Plan!

Simply follow your heart and become a creator, like this 6-year-old

Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform


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Instead of dealing with all the ‘what ifs’, ‘shoulds’ and ‘cannot dos’, we ‘should’ simply do what we want! Don’t you think?

In my latest article, I tell the inspiring story of a monster enthusiast. His name is Elia. At the age of six, the explorative child is already an entrepreneur. He draws monster pictures and sells them on the internet. You can buy drawings of monsters, ninjas, and ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ from him on his online shop.

He had a dream and didn’t ask himself whether he could implement it. He simply did it — with passion and energy!

Just consider your own goals. Get inspired to dream big and just do what you love.



I would love to hear from you. Here’s the story😘:



Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform

Award-winning marketing manager I Bestselling Substack author I YouTuber⚡Join my Online Writing Club: