Don’t Celebrate Publicly The Small Wins

Abdelrahman Elyamany
The Shortform
Published in
4 days ago

Celebrating the small wins is satisfying. You have a big plan and when some small acts get right, you want to celebrate that to motivate yourself for the hard things coming along the line.

The problem is by always celebrating the small wins, you’ll not have time to tackle the hard things. Even worse, you might be satisfied with what you achieved.

When you’re satisfied, you’re no longer motivated to complete the journey.

Celebrate the bigger wins. Keep your small wins on your wall or on your desk as a reminder of your capabilities, but never take a day off just because you achieved something small.

Celebrate the big win, not the small steps. You’ll have much recognition. People fall in love with those who have achieved bigger things than those who achieved small things.



Abdelrahman Elyamany
The Shortform

Entrepreneurial-Minded Graphic Designer | Presentation & Branding | Design + Business + Reflections (Daily)