Don’t half-ass anything, whatever you do: always use your full ass

When you want something in life, give it all you’ve got!

Elke Van Hoye
The Shortform


Photo by Deon Black on Unsplash

It can be really difficult and frightening to try with all your effort. We are afraid of failing as it shakes us at our core. If we don’t put in everything we’ve got, we feel safe.

Half-assing: doing (something) with little effort or care

So instead of going all-in, we start half-assing. When things fail, at least we can say it was because we didn’t try harder.

If we go all-in and fail, we see ourselves as failures. But failing could be the best thing happening to us. Instead of wondering what could’ve happened, we can move on way quicker without any resentment because we know we’ve given it all we’ve got.

So come on: use your full ass!



Elke Van Hoye
The Shortform

Hi, my name is Elke but you can call me El. Weekly articles about mental health — spirituality — traveling — living lightly and just simple randomness