Don’t Rush to Speak About Yourself

When is the right time to speak about yourself

The Shortform
1 min readFeb 24, 2024


Attractive Woman on Balcony
Photo by Garley Gibson on pexels

A lot of the time, the key to success is letting other people take the lead. The world pushes people to always talk about themselves, but the only way to become truly great is to be humble and observe others.

Allow others to tell their stories without interruption while you listen carefully.

Talk about yourself only when asked or when you are directly invited to. People will ask about your story on their own if they are really interested.

When that chance comes up, give them a quick look into your life before turning the attention back to them.

This method helps people connect in meaningful ways, gives them useful information, and eventually leads to personal growth and professional success.

Accept the power of observing things without speaking, and watch as doors to success slowly open for you.

