
A small note.

Sejal jain
The Shortform
Feb 25, 2023


Photo by Gil Ribeiro on Unsplash

Have you ever felt like being someone’s doormat? This is rude to ask it directly but I am going to be very honest with you all. You might have not realized it before but people tend to step on us and we let them do that.

They will talk to you at their convenience when they have no one to go to. You on the other hand give them the privilege to do that to you. They will dump you as soon as they find other people who they consider better than you. Back and forth, treating you like their doormat.

You don’t deserve to be treated like that. Always think better of yourself. Have some self-respect and accompany yourself with people who don’t have any other motive but genuine care for you. Love yourself.



Sejal jain
The Shortform

I'm a student , found interest in writing and want to explore more . I believe " write it when it comes "