Embrace This Cosmic Dance

Finding Joy, Love and Freedom in Life’s Perpetual Motion

Jesse Wilson
The Shortform


Finding Joy, Love and Freedom — Photo 310378099 | Cosmic Dance © Utaem2016 | Dreamstime.com

Is it any surprise that movement and joy are synonymous with love and freedom?

Letting life flow is our natural state.

Change is the only constant, said the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, who observed everything is in motion.

He probably didn’t know we are all on an epic journey, with the Earth spinning on its axis, one revolution a day, or that we are orbiting a gaseous ball of plasma at 67,0000 miles an hour.

He probably didn’t know that our solar system and galaxy are in motion, too.

But he did know that we and our environment are never static, so perhaps that’s why when we ruminate, we feel bad because we are stuck with energy no longer in motion — e-motions.

If the world and our galaxy are in constant motion, why not treat our thoughts and feelings the same, embrace them and let them flow through you?



Jesse Wilson
The Shortform

Writer | Poet - Inspiring people to find their purpose and live healthier, happier, more loving, and fulfilled lives.