Empower Your Body: The Easy Steps to Physical Self-Care

Self-Care Pillar 5: Physical self-care involves taking care of your body with rest, nutrition, and movement

Rachael M.
The Shortform


Photo by artawkrn on Unsplash

Lighting a candle and taking a bath is what we think of. Or going to the gym.

Physical self-care gets the most attention and is often considered the most important. If you are ill all the time, you’re not doing any good to yourself or others. But it’s not just taking “me time.” It is incorporating more of these:

  • Getting sun and soaking up vitamin D
  • Spending time in nature
  • Healthy eating
  • Taking probiotics or multivitamins
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Getting 7–9 hours of good sleep
  • Moving your body daily; walking, running, working out, sex, or taking the stairs.

Like all aspects of self-care, we tend to put it off until burnout sets in. Having a positive routine around your physical health will boost your energy levels, improve the overall quality of your life, and support all the other areas of self-care.

Other Self-Care Pillars:



Rachael M.
The Shortform

(She/Her) Introvert & Neurodivergent Writer. I want to change the world. I'm starting by healing myself. You can too. #BeTheChange with me.