Ever heard of a Gerund?

I hadn’t, but today is a good day to learn something new

Elin Melaas
The Shortform


Photo courtesy of the author (Elin Melaas).

While reading the enlightening story How to Write a Compelling Headline That Isn’t Clickbait from Medium Creators, I see the phrase ‘Easy on the gerunds.’ Gerunds?

I like the sound of it, but what does it mean?

A quick Snapchat query reveals that none of my acquaintances have heard of a gerund either. Curiosity kicks in.

I turn to Thesaurus for providing an answer. ‘A gerund is a form of a verb that ends in — ing that is used as a noun. A gerund is like a blend of verbs and nouns. It looks like a verb, but it acts like a noun.’ Brilliant! I love Thesaurus.

Examples: meditating, dancing, cooking, playing.

The advice from Medium Creators about how to write a compelling headline starts to make sense.

‘People were 70% more likely to click on the nongerund headlines.’



Elin Melaas
The Shortform

Books, reading, health, parenting, and coffee 📚 MSc in Medical Physics and BSc in Nutrition. Editor at Illumination. Owner of Hooked on Books.