Experience Of Heaven & Hell In Two Seconds

I wish I could read your next story…

Oiseau Distrait
The Shortform
Published in
3 days ago


Bright sunrise sky on the left and dark thick clouds on the right
Photo by Arto Marttinen on Unsplash

I spent some time reading this morning, besides those I followed I’ll look for someone fresh … those I haven’t read before, this adventure fills my reading time with joy if I am lucky enough to discover the hidden gems.

This is important for me to reach more voices outside of my network, a learning process, I’ll say; in fact, many good writers never stop writing even if they’re not shining at this moment, but I’m sure they will eventually.

But sometimes, I’m so disappointed when I read the last note asking me to clap, comment, follow, join a class…I know it’s an encouraging & promotion technique, but it crushes all my pleasure within seconds…
Sorry! I have to go.



Oiseau Distrait
The Shortform

The forgetful bird ~ an Indie author from Hong Kong . It’s time for me to pick up my camera, paint brush & write, before I forget ! And it’s done !