Face Value

The passion of the font choice

Karen Fayeth
The Shortform


A faded sign with a red background and the word No in decaying yellow paint.
Photo by Gemma Evans on Unsplash

When change occurs solely for the sake of change, my natural reaction is to resist.

Which is how I categorize the news that Microsoft is changing its default font.

Fonts matter, both because I am a writer and because I review documents for a living.

There are a whole lot of people, it seems, who either can’t see or don’t care about fonts.

A paragraph or a whole page with multiple fonts makes my eyes hurt. It’s a problem.

Times New Roman may be boring, but it does the job reliably. Arial for when I want something a little more rounded. Helvetica is also lovely.

It was only recently that I’ve (reluctantly) accepted Calibri. It took a long time.

Now Calibri is out and Aptos, which started life called Bierstadt, is the default.

I don’t like it.

I might like it someday. Probably right about the time it changes again.



Karen Fayeth
The Shortform

I work all day, I art all night. Find me at karenfayeth.com and karenfayeth on all the socials (Twitter, Insta, FB, etc)