Fairy Tale Plant Grows Up to Heaven

Alocasia from Tropical Asia

JM Heatherly
The Shortform


Photo by Jennifer Burk on Unsplash

Humans long valued Alocasia for their captivating leaves and edible roots when cooked. In parts of South Asia through East Australia, people use them today. They cook their rhizomes and use citrus to remove the toxins.

Some call these tropical delights “Elephant’s Ear”. They belong to the Araceae family like Monsteras. Their most prized features include their lobes, contrasting venation, and fuzzy petioles. Folklore refers to it as “the tree that grows up to heaven” — the plant from Jack and the Beanstalk.

Their flower hides behind a green sheath. How sneaky! Enthusiasts hybridized Alocasia species since the 19th century or earlier. One may also divide its tuberous pups.

Nomenclature: Alocasia sp.
Origin: Tropical Asia/East Australia
Light: Bright/Indirect
Soil: Acidic/Well-Draining
Uses: Food/Ornament
Notes: Poisonous unless prepared

By JMHeatherly



JM Heatherly
The Shortform

(he/they) Edit, Garden, Hospitality, Music, Organize, Socialist. Finding gems to polish for you. https://www.jmheatherly.com/