FAQ — Ask Simily Everything You Need To Know

Here’s your chance. The next big blogging platform asks you to submit your questions.

Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform


FAQ Simily
People vector created by jcomp — www.freepik.com

If you’ve started to explore the blogging platform Simily you might have some questions you’re googling but don’t get an answer to.

Since I’ve shared my news story about Simily (which became a viral hit), a lot of writers have shared their lessons learned, pros and cons, and rants about Simily.

Simily could soon become a great competitor to Vocal, NewsBreak, and other writing platforms.

It’s promising.

Although (similar to Medium) it’s not easy to get 1,000 views, the moment you reach this threshold, you’ll get for instance $20.

Good news: Submit your questions

Simily is putting together an FAQ.

What are you waiting for?

Submit your question and get the answer you’re waiting for so long!



Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: https://kristinagod.substack.com/