
A small note.

Sejal jain
The Shortform
1 min readMar 18, 2023


Photo by Amin RK on Unsplash

Does it happen to you that you randomly feel like crying out of nowhere at any moment in a day and you don’t have the answer to that inexplicable question? You know what is wrong but accepting it is so hard that you get lost explaining yourself, sort of a denial and quite a dilemma to be in. feeling so low that you end up questioning your existence.

Expressing your deep inner feelings to someone is the greatest weapon one can hold against you cause we humans are emotional fools.

People, however amiable they are, have their blues to conceal with a flattering layer of pretense. Nobody ever gets to know how miserable the other one is. Never let anybody know you completely regardless of the fact how much you trust that person. Your emotions are something that you own, and nobody should trespass on something that you alone own.



Sejal jain
The Shortform

I'm a student , found interest in writing and want to explore more . I believe " write it when it comes "