First Sip Adulting with Sensory Delights

The magic of coffee

Arpana Gupta
The Shortform
1 min read4 hours ago


Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash

For me, coffee was a new adventure in my senses when I first tasted it. The initial thing that hit my nose was this rich lavish aroma which was enough to cause me to feel warm and at ease. Sat in one warm little cafe with its walls shrouded in books and delicate music playing in the background.

The steam fumes delicately touch my face while I carry the mug nearer to my lips. The first sip was a sensation that one was a little bitter however insidiously muddled in flavor that I didn’t expect. It caused me to feel warm all over; likewise calm yet vigilant simultaneously.

At the point when I took my most memorable sip, I realized immediately that there would be no returning from this sort of relationship; this was my eternity with a basic seed!



Arpana Gupta
The Shortform

An Investor | Traveler| A Coffee obsessed | Writer : Curator of Emotions, Crafting Stories that Touch the Heart