Four Effective Ways to Avoid Becoming Prey to Emotional Predators

Stay safe

Bic Wonder
The Shortform
1 min readDec 7, 2021


Photo by Amin Moshrefi on Unsplash

With growth and the constant need for change, we will always find ourselves in new spaces for residential, educational, or work purposes.

Initially, when you come in, everyone will appear friendly and lovable. This period is when you need to guard yourself.

*Smile and be courteous. But your focus should never be to make new best friends.

*Be careful about how much of yourself you reveal. People will tempt you to share ugly pasts and present secrets. Don’t succumb.

*Be thankful for kind gestures but don’t trust people too soon. Understand that new is not always better.

*Take time to acclimatize to both the people and their behaviors.

It’s dangerous to find solace in the arms of strange faces.



Bic Wonder
The Shortform

Medical doctor| Writer| Editor| I write about Relationships, Soft Skills, Etiquettes, and other random things I learn from life.