From Zero To My Hero

Writing Challenge 25/30

Robbie Noble
The Shortform


A pic of Heavy D Sparks standing in front of an American Flag.

Heavy D Sparks, owner of and YouTuber.

This dude seemed to have come from nothing to a famous TV star and business owner. He has a huge YouTuber following and a circle of friends and coworkers that love him.

I know nothing about his childhood but his adult life seems to be unrestricted by any negativity. He has an idea and makes that idea a reality and he takes his friends and family along with him.

I need what he has and it's not his money or his following, I need the positivity and focus. I have my own degree of both but fear is always attached to them like an anchor. I think being around someone positive would make my dreams feel more obtainable even if he never did anything directly to further them.



Robbie Noble
The Shortform

Born and raised in California, just writing my way to health.