GaryVee Was Right About TikTok

It’s getting bigger and bigger.

Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform


GaryVee Was Right About TikTok

Are you thinking about adding TikTok to your marketing strategy in 2022?

Gary Vaynerchuk would say:

That’s still f*cking smart!

Why would he say still?

Because GaryVee has been nuts about the TikTok app since its early beginnings in 2016.

He was one of the first marketing experts to promote the rising platform.

In fact,…

GaryVee recommends using TikTok as a catalyst for your side hustle success.

It still has enormous potential and is growing fast.

So TikTok is definitely where it’s at in 2022.

If you can make the time be smart and add it to your marketing strategy.

Let’s conclude with one of the best sentences from GaryVee:

Do the work and everything will change!



Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform

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