Getting Used To My New Glasses

How long will it take?

John Welford
The Shortform
Published in
Mar 24, 2022


My own photo

I went into town today to collect my new glasses — it’s more than three years since I last had my eyes tested, so the change was long overdue.

As before, these are varifocals — the focus changes from bottom to top, so the lowest part is for reading, the highest for distance viewing. With my old pair, the reading part had been getting very narrow, and the change with my new pair means that I just have to move my eyeballs, not my whole head when I want to read something!

However, finding the right spot for reading a computer screen is proving more difficult. Should I persevere or stay using my old glasses for this?

If you wear specs, do you keep your old pairs for reasons like this?



John Welford
The Shortform

He was a retired librarian, living in a village in Leicestershire. A writer of fiction and poetry, plus articles on literature, history, and much more besides.