Giving Up Is For Losers

The Shortform
Published in
1 min readAug 29, 2023
Photo by Johannes Plenio: low-angle-photography-of-spiral-stair-

‘’Guess what’’? Mike whispered with a glint in his eye. The suspense was tangible.

“What?” I asked, eager for the news. “I got the job!” He screamed excitedly.

My excitement matched his as I couldn’t help but leap onto him in joy. This victory was the culmination of an arduous journey.

Over the past year, Mike had faced countless job applications met with outright rejection. It was like a conspiracy against him. But he never threw in the towel.

“Giving up is for losers,” he’d say with determination unwavering. He trusted that God would back up his efforts and come through.

And he did.

That day, I learnt a valuable lesson.

Belief coupled with unwavering determination breeds success. No matter the odds, resilience is the golden ticket.

In a world that tests resolve, remember: persistence is the master key to doors you thought were locked.



The Shortform

I am a content writer and food lover. I write about marketing, motivation and stuff I love. You can reach me at