Grammar Tips for Better Writing #1

The Possessive Apostrophe

Gary De Cloedt
The Shortform
Oct 15, 2021


I struggled to find the ‘boy’ whose toilet this was to ask if I could use it!!

This little insignificant mark is remarkably powerful considering its size. There are two types of apostrophes: one to show letters missing (omission) and one to show possession (possessive).

English, being English, is one of the only languages in the world that uses the apostrophe in this way.

In short, the possessive apostrophe shows the relationship between two nouns, that one belongs to the other.

E.g. Paul has a coat — it is Paul’s coat.

NB: If your noun ends in an ‘s’, you just add the apostrophe and not another ‘s’. E.g. Jess has a book — Jess’ book

For plural nouns, just add an apostrophe and no extra ‘s’.

E.g. The nuns are wearing wimples — The nuns’ wimples.

Remember: put the apostrophe on the owner.

Click here for tip #2



Gary De Cloedt
The Shortform

One time herder of cats, DJ, computer operator and wood stacker. Writer of piffle, waffle and twaddle. Support my addiction at