Greatness Requires Sacrifices

Don’t delude yourself; there’s no way around this

Anastasia Petrenko
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readDec 18, 2022


by OlafSpeier from Getty Images

Every time you see a beautifully-shaped body, listen to a catchy song, watch an engaging movie, or marvel at a new car model, and think “I want that too” and “I can do that too”, remember: behind all this excellence and superiority stands sacrifice. Time sacrifices, money sacrifices, relationship sacrifices, and mental well-being sacrifices.

Nothing of greatness comes easy. It takes years of work, or heaps of money, or missing important events — or, most often, all of them combined — to get to the point where you can see the results of people’s work: a TV show, a new house, a great body. Those individuals had been doing an enormous amount of work for years, daily labor that required the utmost perseverance, endurance, and rejection of the pleasurable.

Do you want to have anything above average? Be clear on the sacrifices you’re willing to make.



Anastasia Petrenko
The Shortform

I like to challenge my thinking, and yours. Twitter: @anastasiapwhy Website (+books):