Happy Birthday Google

David Salisbury
The Shortform
Published in
Sep 6, 2023
Photo by Lisa Fotios: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-a-laptop-screen-with-google-main-page-on-it-16368540/

I’m old enough to remember the internet before Google.

Online life back then wasn’t just like trying to find your way around a city without a (Google) map — as trying to find your way around when no one could even agree on the street names to use.

It was genuinely exciting using Google for the first time.

And the fact that it was started by two smart guys in a garage. They had a vision — to map the whole internet, and not to be evil while they did it.

They achieved half of that vision.

Google is, just about, still a net positive in our lives. Maybe this is just me getting old — but I don’t feel excited any more. Just worried.



David Salisbury
The Shortform

Story geek, actuary, writer of fiction, writer of code, writer of lists