Help, I Am In Crisis.

If growth requires struggle, why are you running away from difficulties?

The Shortform


Photo by Pixabay:

I’m sure seeds are happy when they get out of the bag and into the wet, dark, cramped soil.

Finally, they get a chance to grow, to show their potential.

If you are somewhere cramped & dark, get growing.

Push down into the difficulty and grow roots. Stretch out of the darkness towards the light as you develop shoots and tendrils.

Don’t try to shoot out only, without grounding yourself, lest when the next tough situation of life comes, it will uproot you easily.

Grounding yourself involves understanding the dark and the sustenance in the murk.

When you’re struggling, recognise the potential for growth.

That discomfort can be the catalyst for change, an opportunity to learn, the springboard you can launch from.

Most times, we don’t choose crisis, but when it occurs, as it inevitably will, remember the words of Winston Churchhill —

Never let a good crisis go to waste.



The Shortform

I believe YOLO, but not in the hippie dare devil kind of way, although I am a bit of a hippie on most days, and I dare to go up against my fears often.