Here Are 3 Daily Habits to Improve Writing Consistency

These are simpler than you think

Writer's Dream
The Shortform
1 min readAug 18, 2024


Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

Daily writing is not as strenuous as you think. You don’t have to spend hours daily.

Spend 15 minutes daily to build daily writing habits.

Here is how.

Write for 15 minutes before starting the day

Do not reach out to your mobile after waking up. Use your mobile only to write for 15 minutes before you start the day. No excuses. It is a promise to yourself.

Write during boring time

When you wait for Uber or standing in a long queue in the grocery store, write a few lines instead of complaining. It is a magical way to shift your mindset from negativity to positivity.

Follow a successful person on social media in your niche

Learn his lessons and implement them in your writing daily.

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