Horror Movies are Closer to Reality

Eneysah Davud
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readFeb 19, 2023
Photo by Nong V on Unsplash

Movies are made purely for money and entertainment and makers don’t care about how closer to reality the movie is. However, among different types of movies horror movies are closer to reality. Horror movies often show that bad things start happening wherever the evil person is living and people around them start committing suicide. Anyone who has spent time with a narcissist or psychopath will believe that there’s a lot of truth in this. When you are entangled with a narcissist, misfortune follows you like a hound. By the time the toxic relationship ends, survivors have lost almost all of their money, physical energy, emotional resources and faith in humanity. They are depleted in every area of their life. And they have to rebuild their life from scratch with meagre resources.

As long as you haven’t been abused by a narcissist you think that horror exist only in movies.



Eneysah Davud
The Shortform

When I am not occupied with reading people and books, I write about narcissism and psychology. Follow me on YT @The.Narc.Files7