How a Daily Success Journal Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Nicole Linke
The Shortform
Published in
Mar 30, 2022


The hulk game piece
Photo by Gabriel Tovar on Unsplash

If you constantly feel like you aren’t productive enough, not achieving enough, or otherwise not good enough in whatever you choose to do, you should consider starting a daily success journal.

Simply write down what you have accomplished every day that moved you towards achieving your goals.

For example, suppose your goal is to make a full-time income from Medium. In that case, writing down each day what you have done to achieve that goal accomplishes two things.

First, it quiets the inner critic that can keep you from writing and publishing more.

Second, it keeps you honest.

Seeing on paper what you have done that day and what successes you have achieved is a better way of measuring progress than listening to the chatter in your head.



Nicole Linke
The Shortform

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