How Are You so Calm about It?

Let’s talk about posting photos

Maria Valevsky
The Shortform
Sep 2, 2021


Photo by Antonio Prado from Pexels

I joined Twitter.

So far, my experience is great.
Twitter’s writing community is very supportive.

I’ve noticed a trend where writers introduce themselves by retweeting a short bio with a photo from their fellow writers.

There’s one thing I don’t get. How is everybody so confident about sharing their photos? I can’t even remember the last time I posted a photo on social media before today.

I’ve shared mine as part of this Twitter trend and I feel anxious. It’s not even about my looks, it’s more about my photo being out there.

What’s so scary about it? I don’t know. I guess I have some self-analysing to do.

I hope taking part in this trend will help me overcome this fear. If you visit my Twitter and you see no post — I failed.



Maria Valevsky
The Shortform

Writer | Exploring the Worlds of Mental Health, Culture & Media | Twitter/Instagram @mariavalevsky