How Can Someone Write a Review of Simily Without Using It?

Who really wrote it?

Frank Views
The Shortform


Photo by Engin Akyurt on Unsplash

There are indeed a lot of stories written about the new content platform called Simily. However, I noticed the first review published was written by a non-user of Simily–Kristina God.

How could that be? Was she paid to write a positive review praising the platform to attract people to sign up? That thought is disturbing!

I don’t see how anyone can write an accurate review without having done anything on the site. Especially when you see her incomplete profile and that she never used it!

She has done nothing ever since she created her Simily account in August 2021. Zero stories. No avatar.

Screen capture of Kristina God’s Simily profile.

Take a look at her empty profile. She never even replied to the people thanking her for her review.

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Frank Views
The Shortform

Discussions related to matters of social awareness, life’s struggles, and controversial political issues that affect you.