How Distinguishing Between Controllable and Uncontrollable Is Important for Your Success

Success Starts with Knowing What You Can Control

Nimish Jalan
The Shortform


Photo by Anna Samoylova on Unsplash

It’s been over a week since I last published something online. During this time, two things happened I had (almost) no control over.

First, I had a glass bottle break in my hand and ended up with three stitches.

I was advised against using my fingers for an entire week.

Second, my laptop refused to turn on. The motherboard had issues.

It’s interesting how both things overlapped and I’m grateful neither uncontrollable happened during my year-long writing streak.

Any incident of this magnitude would have broken my spirit and I wouldn’t have known how to respond.

But if this year-long streak has taught me anything, it’s this

  1. Focus on the controllable.
  2. Don’t blame yourself for the uncontrollable.
  3. Learn to distinguish between the two.

The pendulum always swings without any prior warning. All you can do is be prepared mentally for anything your life throws at you.



Nimish Jalan
The Shortform

Prioritizing writing, experiments, failure and growth. Committed to write 365 days straight! Come say hi :)