How Do Women Work From Home And Cooking Is A Problem?

It is 2024!

The Shortform
1 min readJun 20, 2024


My friend’s gripe was about her husband’s daily expectations,

“He expects dinner ready, the plates laid out by the time he walks through the door. I keep telling him I am working just as he is and it cannot happen some days, but he doesn’t understand. He keeps saying it doesn’t matter. I am home all day,”

Is her problem familiar to you or someone you know?

Every time someone says, I keep telling them but they don’t understand, I always ask,

“What does the person benefit by not understanding you?”

I have learned that no one is as hard to convince as someone who benefits by misunderstanding you.

I keep telling him. He just doesn’t understand.

Whelp. How convenient for him.



The Shortform

Non-quitter. Writer. Speaker. Too tired for bullshit. Say Hi