“How Do You Come Up with New Stupid Every day?”

Patricia Rosa
The Shortform
Published in
Jan 13, 2021


There’s a lot of finger-pointing going on, and I’m not talking about politics. Nobody wins when it’s us against them.

January is typically a slower month, but that doesn’t seem to be the case this year. Manufacturing is strong and so are the orders, at least in my business.

The emphasis is on-time shipments, as it should be all the time. It’s not difficult, they order the part, I schedule the part and we make the part.

If we’re late on an order — you blame me, and I blame you. And the cycle begins again next month, but what have we solved? Just more ways to point out what you did wrong and what I did wrong.

Concentrate on your tasks and improve your work. It starts with you and the rest will fall into place.



Patricia Rosa
The Shortform

Blending boomer work ethics in an online world. Editor of The Workplace Journal and the Pet Cafe