How Shortform Essays Ignite Creative Conversations

Short essays can become powerful forums in disguise.

The Shortform


“Shortform essays are stories too.” Designed by Carmellita (Author) in

Shortform essays are stories too. And good storytelling can ignite powerful conversations and forums.

As I published more shortform essays, I have discovered how a 150-word micro-essay works as a forum because readers can:

  • read quickly and chime in,
  • share insights and anecdotes,
  • and present counterarguments in the comments.

Suddenly, a vibrant discussion emerges. An example is my recent, micro-essay:

Writers can benefit from these discussions because these conversations can act as testing grounds for more in-depth stories.

I know the Love Unconditional as a forum has generated some ideas for me. So, thanks to everyone who shared their insights.

Fam, I’m curious. What are some shortform essays that ignited a conversation for you?



The Shortform

Writer, Poet, Storyteller, & Scholar. Co-founder of BA in Speech Communication. Former ghostwriter who came back to life.