How to Actually Realize Your Soul’s Potential

(Without burning out)

Emilie Pelletier
The Shortform
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2024


I burned out.

Every single time I sat down to create something, a sense of panic arose followed by deep sadness. What I used to think was part of my purpose suddenly felt overwhelming and somewhat meaningless.

It lasted for months.

The following helped me get back on my feet.

. . .

Realizing our potential is done by living our dharma, our most authentic life. And the key to living our dharma is balancing yin and yang energies.

The yin yang philosophy in our daily activities.
Image created by the author with Canva

Yin is about receptivity and introspection, while yang is about action.

We need both.

In yin, we receive inspiration from places beyond the intellect. In yang, we act on it.

Without this balance, we fall out of alignment (off dharma).

Inspiring quote from the book The Art of You by James McCrae.
Image created by the author with Canva

Yin without yang is stagnant. But yang without yin results in shallow living, lack of purpose, and potential burnout.

We must include both in our schedules.

Have a beautiful day!



Emilie Pelletier
The Shortform

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