How to Build Up Speed… (For Writers!)

Fast & accurate part 2

Kester R.
The Shortform
2 min readMay 7, 2024


Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash


I mentioned the important of speed to us writers. It improves our consistency and helps us complete projects faster.

(Read here)

So, how can you build up speed and maintain accuracy?

Well, the simple thing you need to do to write faster is to TYPE faster.

To take it to the next level and maintain accuracy, here are the six tips prepared for today:

  1. Eliminate distractions
  2. Get all your needed sources nearby (saves time of scrabbling around)
  3. Outline your work as you brainstorm
  4. Don’t worry about any mistakes (that’s what editing is for)
  5. First, write what you’ve already figured out (use the TK mark to identify parts that need to be completed)
The Medium Editor places a yellow TK mark on the left whenever you write the capitalized “TK” in your paragraph. So, missing parts you need to complete or work on is pretty hard.

6. Edit as you proofread.

The key idea to writing faster is to cut out anything unnecessary. Also, merge various steps to complete your projects faster.

Thanks for reading and Till next time!



Kester R.
The Shortform

I'm a writer trying to do what he knows best - "hitting the keys on my keyboard"