The curious case of Romania

I could not debunk this

The Shortform
Oct 21, 2021


Caption according to

How is it possible that a country that had the easiest access to vaccination ended up reporting the highest number of daily death?

Starting with April 2021 these were the facts in Romania:

  • anyone was able to make an appointment for the vaccine
  • with freedom to choose the type of vaccine
  • and availability of drive-in vaccine centers in the capital city

And yet, only 34% of the population is vaccinated with at least one dose.

Hospitals are overloaded and the population continues to lean in towards conspiracy theories.

I can’t stop wondering:

Is it unacceptable to be misinformed in the digital era or has it paradoxically become even harder to find the truth?



The Shortform

Surviving hell (long covid & co) made me think deeply about my life. I feel motivated to document my healing journey and share what I have learnt.