How to Not Loose Hope?

Saquib Aftab
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readJul 5, 2024
Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash

We always deal with small or big setbacks in our personal and professional lives. There are challenges in everything you want to achieve. In such cases of uncertainty, HOPE is crucial for dealing with the situation and moving forward.

The most important thing to remember is that these tough times are temporary. These times may feel overwhelming, but better times await you after that. It is important to keep ourselves reminded that things will get better.

Secondly, it is essential to surround ourselves with supportive and positive people. Such people give us comfort and perspective to better deal with such a situation.

Stay optimistic. Having a positive mind helps us deal with any challenge that life throws at us. Take small steps in the right direction. Patience is the key and having hope in ourselves helps us deal with setbacks.

Thanks for reading.

Until Next Time

Saquib Aftab



Saquib Aftab
The Shortform

Lead Software Engineer | Java | Technology | Productivity | Learning and Improving to become a better developer