How to Reset the Day If You Wake Up Late

5 tips so you don’t stay in a bad mood

Nela Canovic
The Shortform


Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Give your brain 5 minutes.

Acknowledge what’s happening. Tell yourself, it’s not ideal but we’ll be OK. Have a cup of coffee — a signal to the brain that it’s business as usual.

Shrink your morning routine.

Where can you shorten it — shower and get dressed in 15 minutes, make a quick breakfast to bring to work? Use a timer.

Do a mini (5–10 minute) workout.

It can be 10 pushups, a couple of yoga poses, or a brisk walk around the block.

Ask the right question.

What is the ONE thing I am committed to completing today? It’s a promise to yourself.

Look on the bright side.

What can you learn from this? Did you find shortcuts or alternate ways to solve a problem?



Nela Canovic
The Shortform

Growth mindset hacker, writer, Silicon Valley entrepreneur.