How You Can Upgrade Your Life with Self-Care

Emilie Pelletier
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readMay 6, 2024
Photo by YuriArcursPeopleimages on Envato Elements (Envato Market)

Self-care can be soothing or an act of tough love, depending on how it makes us feel in the moment.

We need both.

What matters most is that it’s based on quality. Quality self-care shows self-respect.

It elevates our standards in life by sending a message to our brains that we deserve the best, gradually raising our expectations and upgrading our lives.

It’s easy to do.

We just need to invite better quality ingredients into our lives, like:

  • Quality nutrition — prioritizing whole foods over processed options.
  • Quality relationships — spending more time with people who uplift us and being fully present when we’re with them.
  • Quality information — consuming content inspiring and empowering us (instead of the news or violent shows).
  • Quality leisure time — engaging in activities that bring fulfillment, rather than mindless scrolling.

What’s one way you could enhance the quality in each major area of your life?



Emilie Pelletier
The Shortform

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